Friday night we took Noah and Abigale to No Frills. This was really the first time Dan and I have taken them anywhere together. They had a good time. Ms. Abigale did not want to sit in her highchair, but On the table. So, whatever Princess wants, Princess usually gets. We are less than 24 hours away from B-Day! Noah is so excited. He has not stopped asking.."are we going to my party now?" everytime we get in the car, he thinks it's time. Poor thing.
Last night I had Dan's Sister Ann, and Piper spending the night. It was a fun, but very long night. Abigale managed to sleep through the chaos, but Noah did not. He woke up and was up for 2 hours. I sat outside a few minutes with the smokers, and got over 50 mosquito bites!! note....Piper and Ann did not get bit!! What is up with that?
Abigale is starting to stand on her own for a brief few wobbly seconds, and then falls short! I do get the feeling that she may be vertically challenged like her Mommy.
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