Thursday, July 31, 2008

Life is a Highway

Oh, what a fun day we have had today. We are still building towers with the Princess Legos and still ironing out the Potty Training hiccups! Boys....are so mysterious to me, today, while Noah was building a tall tower with Abigale's Princess Legos, he decided to try and knock the tower down with his "pee pee" Oh, somebody help me! What could I do but laugh...

On one of his many trips to the potty. (he is getting an M&M everytime he goes the math) I see him in the play-room with a roll of toilet paper. I, first told him to put it back in the bathroom and that we don't play with toilet paper. He, of course, refused to listen. So, I asked him, Noah what are you doing with the toilet paper...He told me he was building a road for his cars! I dare you not to laugh. However, all hell broke loose when Princess came tearing down the hall and mangled his Toll Road of Toilet Paper!!

Let the games begin!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

No Girls Allowed

Last night we went down to MiMi and Granddaddy's house for dinner. Mom had grilled out chicken and had Fried Okra, Tomatoes, Field Peas w/ Snaps and Corn on the Cob. OMG....I haven't eaten that good in a long long long time.

Mom and Noah went outside to water her flowers and it turned into MiMi watering Noah! He giggled and ran himself silly. Then he wanted the "tent" to play with....That's when the real fun began. They were so funny crawling in and out. Of course, Princess had to do her best to aggravate her big brother. She does a real bang-up job at it too.

We have decided we need to have the "Stranger" talk to Noah. He loves everyone and is a real live "Chatty Cathy". He hugs and kisses everyone....Well, Mom and I had the babies at a local restaurant near her house and Noah was playing in the playroom, and proceded to walk up to a very large, very bitchy-looking woman and pulled the back of her shirt up and I luckilly stopped him just in he was getting ready to blow "bubbles" on her back! The lady never even turned around. I was so embarassed, but also, laughing hysterically! It's times like these, when I wonder, just what Abigale has in store for us!!!!!

Everyday is a NEW Adventure!!!

My little Swimmer

Today Noah had his big boy swimming lesson. He is now in Advanced Aqua Tots. (broken down means, I do not have to get into the pool w/ him) He loves to swim. He is the only one in his class, so, he is getting Private lessons! He listens to the instructor and does everything she tells him to do. I am considering asking her to move in with us!

We had some errands to run after swimming, the babies had gift cards for their birthdays and I was on a mission to find Princess a Pink and Green Inchworm. I had one when I was little (it wasn't Pink though) and of course, Target did not have one in stock. They only sell them on-line. I have spent the rest of my day playing with Mega Blocks and drawing on the AquaDoodle mat.

Noah was building towers and Abigale was knocking them down faster than he could build them! She is into everything! Well, tonight is "Dancing Wednesday" the boys will once again, be excercizing their artistic expressions! Should be fun. Usually takes me 3 hours or longer to watch a 2 hour show.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Fun at Frills

Friday night we took Noah and Abigale to No Frills. This was really the first time Dan and I have taken them anywhere together. They had a good time. Ms. Abigale did not want to sit in her highchair, but On the table. So, whatever Princess wants, Princess usually gets. We are less than 24 hours away from B-Day! Noah is so excited. He has not stopped asking.."are we going to my party now?" everytime we get in the car, he thinks it's time. Poor thing.

Last night I had Dan's Sister Ann, and Piper spending the night. It was a fun, but very long night. Abigale managed to sleep through the chaos, but Noah did not. He woke up and was up for 2 hours. I sat outside a few minutes with the smokers, and got over 50 mosquito bites!! note....Piper and Ann did not get bit!! What is up with that?

Abigale is starting to stand on her own for a brief few wobbly seconds, and then falls short! I do get the feeling that she may be vertically challenged like her Mommy.

Birthday Celebration

Well, Noah and Abigale's birthday party has come and gone. I think they both had a very good time and got lots of great presents for their birthdays. My mom and dad brought Noah and Abigale to the party and took them home afterwards. That helped me out tremendously. However, my life saver, Piper....I could not have done it without her. She flew in from Delaware, just to be here for Noah and Abigale's birthday party. Now that alone speaks volumes about Piper. Noah loved having another "big kid" to play with!! The birthday cakes were awesome. We had a great turnout and I think everyone had a good time. Noah's favorite presents were his "original" Big Wheel, a big Dump Truck and Lightning McQueen Lego set. (he sleeps w/ the lego car/truck) So, the ambulance has been kicked out of the bed! Abigale was just as pretty as a real live Princess. She was MiMi's girl the entire day, wouldn't let anyone else hold her! I do think that this will be the last year I will do their parties together. It was a little rushed and just a touch chaotic!! Anyway, Happy Birthday my beautiful babies!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Very Special Day

Wow. Today is my little Noah's 3rd birthday. He was born at 8:44 am on the 21rst of July in 2005. It all started on the 20th of July. I wasn't feeling well and was sent to the Labor and Delivery Triage Room for observation. Everything was looking OK, the Nurse told me I had about 10-15 more minutes and they were going to let me go home. Then the night took a scary turn. Noah's heartbeat dropped by alot, this alarmed the nursing staff and they called in the OB on staff. They came in and did a sonogram and decided to keep me a little longer. At first they thought 2 more hours. Unfortunately Noah's heartbeat kept dipping. They put me on total bedrest and kept me overnight, until my High-Risk OB could come see me the next morning. Dr. Goldaber arrived on the morning of the 21rst, and did a high level sonogram and determined that Noah would be much safer on the outside, and proceded to schedule me for an emergency C-section. Within about 1/2 an hour of the sonogram, I was a Mommy to a beautiful 3pound baby boy. I caught a very brief glimpse of him as they whisked him away to the NICU.

Noah never sleeps late......:( However, this morning, he woke up at 8:45! 1 minute past his birthday. We had a pretty fun day today, Dan, Abigale and I had a cake and balloons for him this morning and sang Happy Birthday to him. He went swimming, dug in the dirt, with his new dump truck and played in his clubhouse. We were going to go to Daddy's softball game, but Mommy is wiped out!

Today is also the day my Granddaddy died 1 year ago today. He was an sweet, gentle soul, with kind blue eyes and a big boyish grin! He was a well loved man. I miss him dearly. I only wish he could have met my little "firecracker" Abigale.

Well, this will be a busy week. My long-lost best friend will get into town Thursday night to help out with the babies parties on Saturday. It will be nice to have her around for a few days.

Happy Birthday my sweet Angel Noah.

Love and Kisses to you

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Last night Noah and his Daddy decided to go swimming in the rain storm. I guess they couldn't get any wetter. They were pretty comical. Then they grilled chicken on the grill. Very yummy. Today was your usual, play hard kind of day. It seems I always play the same part everyday....Jungle Gym. Now I have 2 climbing on me. On Wednesday nights, I look forward to watching "So you think you can dance" Unfortunately, Dan and Noah like to participate with the show. Somehow Dan thinks this is an inter-active show. So, both of my "goofballs" get up and dance and try to imitate the dancers. Oh, what fun!!!! That Noah has rythm. We then had our nightly fight (breathing treatment) and finally bedtime. Well, as you can see below, if any of us had an emergency during the night, we are going to be AOK.....because Noah sleeps with an ambulance!!

First Day Blogging

Well, this is new to me. I am going to try my hand at blogging. (or as "shrinks" call it a journal) Today Dan and I took Noah and Abigale to the IMAX theatre to see Whales and Dolphins. Noah did okay, he wasn't particularly fond of the 3D glasses or the 3D effect, but tolerated it well, and was putting his glasses on at the end and trying to pet the dolphins. Princess had her bottle during the first few minutes of the movie and then it was "game on". She wanted to play and she wanted to be heard! And she was.....luckilly this was a kid-friendly crowd, nothing but other parents and toddlers there. She had a ball. Of course, they both crashed in the car on the way home. Now they are wired and wide open until 8 tonight.

I can not believe my little 3 pound miracle will be 3 in 4 days!! That day will also mark the loss of my Granddaddy! It will be 1 year on Monday. He never got a chance to meet my little Princess. She would have stolen his heart for sure!

Well, more dancing tonight, it is sure to be an entertaining night here at the McAfee compound! Dan and Noah are psyched and ready to show their "moves".

Hope everyone sleeps well tonight! Tomorrow is a new adventure!